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 "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics

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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyDim 18 Déc - 22:51

« Elena Gilbert »

Dear Diary: Today will be different. It has to be. I will smile and it will be believable. My smile will say, 'I'm fine. Thank you. Yes. Much better.' I will no longer be the girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh. Be someone new. It's the only way I'll make it through.

©Credit-Fiche : Blood

Dernière édition par Elena Gilbert le Dim 18 Déc - 22:56, édité 3 fois
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyDim 18 Déc - 22:52

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Tumblr_ljpmdnFvew1qfgnbc
We Write Our Story.

RPs en cours.

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Photo_82446256_19
© Scooptvd

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics HJc7u
© HerSunshine.

CRÉDITS : © Poon

Dernière édition par Elena Gilbert le Dim 18 Nov - 3:05, édité 6 fois
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyDim 18 Déc - 22:52

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Elena-elena-gilbert-19841852-500-289
The end and the beginning

RPs terminés.

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Katherine-and-elena-the-vampire-diaries-tv-show-10286382-100-100
ft. Katherine Pierce

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Damon-and-elena-damon-and-elena-883
ft. Damon Salvatore

    Repères Spatiaux: Parking du lycée
    Repères Temporels: Quelques jours après la rentrée
    Statut: Ouvert/Fermé

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Sanstitre7fk
© Meissa
    Xxxxxxx X XXXXX.

    Repères Spatiaux: XXX
    Repères Temporels: XXX
    Statut: Ouvert/Fermé

CRÉDITS : © Poon

Dernière édition par Elena Gilbert le Lun 12 Nov - 19:46, édité 1 fois
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Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce

✱ Lignes écrites : 162
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 24/11/2011

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyMar 20 Déc - 19:39

Salut, cela te dit un rp avec ton double diabolique ?
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyMar 20 Déc - 20:08

Oh que oui ! What a Face

Une idée ?
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Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce

✱ Lignes écrites : 162
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 24/11/2011

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyMer 21 Déc - 19:43

Hum nan je te laisse le commencer pour me faire la surprise :p
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyMer 21 Déc - 20:22

Okayy x)
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Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce

✱ Lignes écrites : 162
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 24/11/2011

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyMer 21 Déc - 20:25

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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 22 Déc - 4:32

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"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 22 Déc - 8:59

    MOI MOI MOI MOI MOI MOI MOI !!! "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics 539378
    Je veux bien commencer le topic mais pas d'idée "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics 470356
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 22 Déc - 11:27

Avec plaisir ♥

Bah cherchons une idée alors xD

Hum.. Damon aurait eu l'idée d'attendre Elena sur le parking du lycée pour "s'amuser" un peu. Et Elena en voyant ça s'est dit : " Seriously ? " et fait genre qu'elle ne l'a pas vu et continue son chemin..

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"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 22 Déc - 12:02

    Oh oui j'adore I love you
    Damon viendrais la chercher, il est pas du genre à abandonner comme son frère Cool

Dernière édition par Damon Salvatore le Jeu 22 Déc - 12:41, édité 1 fois
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 22 Déc - 12:07

Ah bah oui, méchant Stefan ! Après tout ce qu'elle a fait pour lui.. Rolling Eyes
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"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 22 Déc - 16:32

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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 22 Déc - 18:22

Tu t'es lâché xD

Je répondrai dans la soirée hi
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"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 22 Déc - 18:27

    Je suis inspiré avec Damon surtout avec un aussi jolie contexte inlove
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyVen 23 Déc - 0:21

Ah bah tu m'a inspiré à ton tour xD
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Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce

✱ Lignes écrites : 162
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 24/11/2011

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 15 Nov - 12:39

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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 15 Nov - 12:41

Vouii Very Happy
Qui le commences ?
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Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce

✱ Lignes écrites : 162
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 24/11/2011

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 15 Nov - 12:43

Very Happy toi ?
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 15 Nov - 12:45

Pourquoi pas ? Razz
Dis-moi juste un lieu xD
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Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce

✱ Lignes écrites : 162
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 24/11/2011

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 15 Nov - 12:49

hum dans la rue ou au mistic grill ?
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyJeu 15 Nov - 12:51

Oukii mon inspiration choisira entre les deux Razz
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Damon Salvatore
Damon Salvatore

✱ Lignes écrites : 109
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 26/01/2013

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyLun 28 Jan - 9:33

Moi j'aimerais beaucoup Pizza
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Elena Gilbert
Elena Gilbert

✱ Lignes écrites : 377
✱ Arrivée à Mystic Falls : 22/11/2011


"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics EmptyLun 28 Jan - 10:04

Avec grand plaisir Cute
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Contenu sponsorisé

"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics   "You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics Empty

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"You're the one who told me I can handle things on my own now." - Elena Gilbert topics

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